Selected by foreigners, recommended apps to make domestic travel easier

Papago or Google Translator(파파고 or 구글번역기)

Naver Papago is a machine translation service provided free of charge by Naver. The name comes from the Esperanto word for parrot. For reference, the name of the Indian tribe belonging to the Pima tribe living in southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico is also called 'Papago'.

Naver Map(네이버 지도)

A variety of location-based services can be built using Naver Map API. Provides various functions such as simple directions, directions, and information on nearby places.

Subway Korea (서브웨이코리아)

Among all public transportation and subway map apps, the app provides the fastest and most accurate subway station timetables, like the official subway timetable of SMRT (Seoul Metro Rapid Transit).

국내 최초 외국인 전용 지하철 앱 'Seoul Subway' 공개

Discover Seoul Pass(디스커버서울패스)

The Discover Seoul Pass provides foreign FIT tourists (individual tourists) with one physical card-type pass and a mobile pass at a reasonable price of 39,900 won for a 24-hour pass, 55,000 won for a 48-hour pass, and 70,000 won for a 72-hour pass, so you can enjoy more than the price. This is a ‘free pass’ for Seoul tourism. Not only can you use various tourist facilities such as major theme parks and cruise ships for free, but you can also enjoy discounts on transportation, shopping, and performances.

National tourism travel map  – Alltourmap

In this app, you can view the tourist map for free by watching the advertisement.

▶Best 6 travel apps recommended by foreigners who have lived in Seoul for N years!(서울살이 N년차 외국인들이 추천하는 여행 앱 Best 6)


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