[Generation Z] US Generation Z trends, ‘dumb phones’ ‘brand’ ‘consumer economy’



Why American Generation Z loves ‘dumb phones’

*Source_ Tea Times

Can you imagine a smartphone that doesn’t work on KakaoTalk, Instagram, or Facebook? It is said that the ‘dumb phone’, which allows only calls, text messages, maps, and listening to music, is gaining popularity in the United States. Especially among teenagers. Why do teenagers who are addicted to show media want to go back to the past?

‘To reduce the time spent looking at cell phones, to escape from show media, to escape from stimulation addiction’

We live in an era where life has become more unstable due to smartphones. Newport, a professor of computer engineering at Georgetown University, suggested that we follow Jobs' vision of smart smart when he released the iPhone.


<‘Healthy Smartphone Use’ introduced by Time Magazine>

  • Limit your use of narrative media to 30 to 60 minutes per day.
  • Spend at least 3 to 4 hours every day not looking at your smart phone.
  • To help you sleep better, stop using your smartphone at least an hour before bedtime.
  • For eye health, stop looking at screens every 20 minutes
  • If you are worried about your child using smartphones excessively, you should start by reducing their usage yourself.


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Advice from a computer engineer: "Let’s go back to smartphone minimalism"

“Steve Jobs never wanted us to use the iPhone like this.”

We wanted people to experience the iPhone in a simpler, more limited way.

I thought that the iPhone would be a device that would help with a few activities like iPod, such as calls, music, and navigation.

America's Generation Z's favorite brand in 2023

*Source_NAVER Post

It was revealed that Nike, which was touted as the number one company and Generation Z's favorite brand, overwhelmingly dominated the rankings. It was every teenager's favorite brand in clothing and shoes.


America's Generation Z is also flocking to 'beggars'... The U.S. consumer economy is unusual... What happened?

*Source_Seoul Economic Daily

*Photo_Image Today

Bank of America survey... Tighten your belt at the stern

73% “I changed my consumption habits”… “Cook at home, buy less clothes”

“Even if the pressure on high prices decreases, it will remain like this for a year.”

According to the results of a survey released by Bank of America, a major U.S. bank, 53% of respondents aged 18 to 26, classified as Generation Z, cited the 'higher cost of living' as an obstacle to achieving financial success. living) was chosen.

As global inflation continues, young Americans are also reducing their consumer spending. In particular, people are changing their lifestyle habits, such as eating out less and buying less clothes.

It was found that quite a few young people have recently experienced difficulties due to their financial situation.

Four out of 10 Gen Z respondents (37%) experienced difficulties such as decreased savings or increased debt, and 27% of them said they had borrowed money from friends or family.

The economic outlook for Generation Z is also bleak.

The percentage of people who believe the economy will improve over the next year is 24%, which is much lower than the same percentage of respondents (41%) at the time of the 2021 survey. The proportion who believe the job market will improve also dropped to 32%, down from 46% in 2021.

Looking ahead to 2024, Generation Z's top priorities include improving their education (36%), advancing their career or receiving a salary increase (31%), and finding a new job (31%).

‘Finding a new major site’


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