[JOB Trend] Side job information recommended by ‘N-Jobler’ office workers


How to become an office worker / office worker A to Z 

*Source_Maeil Economy Maekyung Economy

A complete list of side jobs that office workers can do

*Source_Brunch Story by Baho

The trend of this era, I am an N-jober

These days, 9 out of 10 office workers do this. “I do this for 3 hours a day.”

*Source_Naver Post Cider Economy

“Salary is not enough”

N Jobler 41% ↑ in 5 years

Recently, due to the rapid rise in prices and high interest rates, the number of jobbers taking on side jobs is increasing.

According to the Federation of Korean Industries, the number of side proprietors working two jobs as of the first to third quarters of last year was 547,000.

  Among them, the number of second-timers responsible for the household's livelihood reached 368,000, the highest ever. Compared to 261,000 in 2017, it increased by a whopping 41% in 5 years.

He explained that since 2018, when the 52-hour workweek was introduced, the participation rate in side jobs has increased along with the decrease in working hours at main jobs, and that workers appear to be working side jobs in parallel to make up for their reduced income.

In the end, this means that many people are forced to take on side jobs because it is difficult to maintain a normal daily life with only a salary or because it is difficult to live the way they want.

*Image source_Federation of Korean Industries

Now even your side job is digital! Digital side hustles you can do from home

*Source_Lina Heyday Foundation

When you think of a ‘side job’, does folding pizza boxes or gluing doll eyes come to mind? No more simple labor! Nowadays, in the digital age, side hustles are becoming popular at-home side hustles that can be done non-face-to-face as long as you have a PC.

Find side job information and learn skills here.

크몽 kmong.com

A freelance market that matches outsourced or outsourced personnel. You can register as an expert and receive work, or you can find an expert and entrust him with the work you want. In addition to project matching, there are class products in various fields, so you can choose the expert training you want. Among the side businesses introduced above, PDF e-book trading is also the most active platform.

숨고 soomgo.com

A talent sharing platform specialized in living services. ‘Sumgo’ is an abbreviation for ‘hidden expert’ and is a concept of matching experts who need help in specific areas of life. Main business areas include interior design, cleaning/moving, design/development, and tutoring/lessons. You can also register and work as a master.

 탈잉 taling.me

It is a place specializing in education (class) products in various fields. In particular, a lot of educational products related to home-based side jobs and two-jobs have been exposed recently. Popular classes include PDF e-books, Excel, makeup, Photoshop, and personal color.

Enjoy sports and do a side job after work. If you use a popular major site that operates in various forms, the dividends are high, the reference point is good, safety has been verified, and it has capital and reviews.

Graphics = Kim Hyeonseo kim.hyeonseo12@joongang.co.kr

Explosive increase of 148%... “Side hustle surpasses salary” Industry that MZ jumped into

*Source_JoongAng Ilbo General Economy

 According to an analysis of national tax data on industries closely related to daily life released by the National Tax Service on the 9th, among the 100 major daily life industries, mail order businesses such as online shopping malls have increased the most over the past five years. The growth of coffee shops was also explosive. In the past 5 years, the non-face-to-face industry has faced adverse events, such as the spread of COVID-19, but the number has nearly doubled. In particular, it appears that young people are jumping into running shopping malls and cafes.

 As of the end of last year, the number of mail-order businesses was 543,088, an increase of 148.4% from 2018 (218,616), five years ago. When looking at businesses by industry, the next highest growth rates were pensions and guesthouses. During the same period, it increased by 115.2% to 23,957. The number of cafes increased from 51,696 to 93,069. The increase rate alone reaches 80%.

 As the growth of cafes is unusually fast compared to other industries, the number has increased compared to stores commonly found on the streets such as convenience stores, snack bars, and clothing stores. There are more than 40,000 more than convenience stores (51,564). On the contrary, the decline in bars such as snack bars and beer bars was noticeable. Although it is a place that specializes in selling drinks in the same non-face-to-face business, there were mixed feelings about it compared to the cafe. Over the past five years, snack bars have decreased by 33.8%, and beer specialty stores have decreased by 25.7%. It is said that a social atmosphere has been created that prefers casual gatherings with coffee rather than company dinners with alcohol.

 The proportion of cafes, gyms, and young business owners is high. It is the young generation in their 20s and 30s that has led the rapid increase in the mail order business and coffee shops. People under 40, the MZ generation (born between 1981 and 2010), accounted for 41.6% of cafe owners. Considering that only 27.2% of the top 100 living industries are under the age of 40, cafes are an industry with an unusually high proportion of young business owners.

 In the mail order business, young people have high accessibility to starting a business, so the proportion of business owners under the age of 40 accounted for 55.4% of the total. In addition, it was found that there are many young people in the health club and skin care industry, with businesses in their 20s and 30s accounting for 56.9% and 49.8% of the total. Due to the rapid increase in the number of new businesses and the predominantly young generation, the survival period of mail order businesses and cafes was relatively short. The average business duration of the top 100 living industries was 8 years and 9 months, but for the mail order business it was only 2 years and 7 months, and for coffee and beverage stores it was only 3 years and 1 month.

“If the side job becomes a hit... “If you don’t prepare, you’ll be hit with a tax bomb.”

*Source_Chosun Ilbo

◇“From the establishment of the corporation… “Boasting about money is absolutely prohibited.”

  The sign that an alt-character is going to hit the jackpot mentioned in ‘Setekkeuk’ is when 5 to 6 million won is accumulated in the bank account every month even though the character is used as usual. When money starts accumulating like this, the video suggests that the first thing to do is “establish a corporation.” The corporate tax rate is 9-19%, and the comprehensive income tax paid by individuals is 6-45%. In other words, a lower tax rate may be applied depending on the situation.

  Kim Hee-yeon, CEO of Design Tax, said, “Assuming you earned about 200 million won, you have to pay about 18 million won in corporate tax, and 60 million won as comprehensive income tax for individuals. In other words, by setting up a corporation, you can see a tax savings of about 40 million won.” said. In other words, the more money you earn, the more advantageous it is to set up a corporation to handle it.

  The second is to sign up for the yellow umbrella deduction and IRP (individual retirement pension). This is because IRP allows a 16.5% tax deduction up to 9 million won per year, and up to 5 million won can be deducted through the yellow umbrella deduction. Lastly, CEO Kim advised, “You should never show those around you that you have made a lot of money or that you have a side job.” This is because many companies do not like concurrent employment, and in particular, some companies have employment rules that prohibit concurrent employment. 

*Graphics_Kim Ha-kyung

If business is sluggish this year... Utilization of interim prepayment of general consumption tax

*Source_Korea Economic Daily

Everything about November interim prepayment, half of last year's payment is imposed on self-employed individuals and professionals

If business deteriorates significantly this year, you can report and pay by reducing the amount after estimating the performance for the first half of the year.


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