Immunity-boosting lifestyle and good food.
What is Immunity? It is a defense system to protect our body from the external environment.
In other words, you need to have high immunity to prevent diseases by protecting your body from various harmful substances such as viruses, germs, and fine dust.
< Good food to boost immunity >
1. Garlic and onion
Garlic, which is indispensable to Korean food, contains allicin, which has strong bactericidal and antibacterial properties, and is called the best antibiotic. It is an immune boosting food with excellent antiviral and antibacterial effects.
2. Mackerel
Mackerel, which represents blue-backed fish, contains a large amount of selenium, which increases resistance to viruses and slows down aging, and is rich in omega fat, which is good for preventing heart disease. In particular, selenium is absorbed much better by the body than taking it as a nutrient, so braised or grilled mackerel. It is recommended to consume it with dishes such as Gangjeong.
3. Shiitake mushrooms
Shiitake mushroom is an immune food rich in beta-glucan and vitamin D, and it is said to play a role in activating macrophages that devour pathogens from the outside. And shiitake mushroom spores have the ability to create powerful antiviral ingredients, so if you dry them and eat them, they increase anti-cancer effects and immunity.
4. Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A when it enters the body, which plays a role in suppressing free radicals. It is also rich in antioxidants, preventing adult diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke, and helping immunity by blocking viruses and bacteria through the skin.
5. Apple
Apples are rich in nutrients and antioxidants such as potassium, vitamin C, pectin, and flavonoids. Among them, potassium is helpful for hypertensive patients because it has the effect of discharging sodium, a salt component, out of the body.
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