City in korea (대한민국의 도시)


The capital of South Korea is Seoul, and Seoul Metropolitan City is the largest city in Korea.

As for the population of each city in Korea, Seoul has the largest population with about 10 million, followed by Busan with about 3.5 million, Incheon with about 3 million, and Daegu with around 2.5 million. Also, the cities with a population of over 1 million are Daejeon Metropolitan City, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Ulsan Metropolitan City, Suwon City, and Changwon City.

In the urban system of Korea, Seoul and five major metropolitan cities are connected in a large axis through high-speed railways(고속 철도), and other cities are connected through high-speed national highways.

"Meaning of Korean city slogan *대한민국 도시 슬로건의 의미'


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