[Interest ②] If you want to start camping, where should you start?! I’m curious about camping culture

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Camping is

Connect with nature, explore new cultures,

It is a hobby loved around the world because it provides an opportunity to create long-lasting memories.

*Source_Korea Campground Association

If we look back at the history of camping, the idea that ‘camping = leisure’ took root is a concept that began in modern times. Until then, camping was merely a ‘means of survival’ for traveling merchants or soldiers participating in war to find lodging in the outdoors. As the Industrial Revolution and industrialization progressed in England in the late 19th century, city residents who had more time to spare wanted to return to nature, and camping, a leisure activity in nature, began in earnest. When talking about the history of modern camping, an indispensable figure is ‘Thomas Hiram Holding.’ He founded the world’s first bicycle club, ‘Bicycle League’, and began camping with a tent on his bicycle. Having established camping as a leisure activity, he wrote the first book on camping and developed various camping supplies. Educational camping began in the late 19th century, and YMCA Camping was established in 1876, and the British Boy Scouts Federation was founded in 1907, leading to development in various fields.

 Auto camping in Korea

*Source_Go Camping in every corner of Korea

Until the mid-1990s, general camping dominated Korea, and mountaineers and hikers led the camping culture. For the general public, all they did during summer vacation was setting up a tent and camping in the valley. At that time, the only camping equipment we had was a cozy tent and a coffin; the rest was brought from home. However, in the 2000s, camping culture began to change.

As camping became a leisure activity, a boom in auto camping began. Clubs targeting enthusiasts began to become active, and professional auto camping equipment appeared one after another. As overseas travel has increased significantly, the heightened expectations of those who have experienced the camping culture of developed countries have also played a role.

Currently, the auto camping population is rapidly increasing. One Internet club boasts 15,000 members. The expansion of the auto camping population led to the development of equipment. Equipment that was previously used without distinction from general camping is now clearly classified as auto camping equipment. For example, in the case of tents, large tents with living shells are the mainstay, and camping furniture such as kitchens, tables, and chairs have become basic equipment.

Korea's auto camping culture is different from North America or Europe, which focuses on camping cars and trailers. In Korea, camping is done by loading camping equipment into a car and setting up a tent at a campsite. 

<Go camping in every corner of Korea>


Types of Camping by Country

*Source_Outdoor News

Camping is the act of lodging and lodging outdoors, not at home, with nature as your friend, but because the terrain and culture are different, the popular form may vary depending on the country or region. Camping can be broadly divided into mobile and settled types. In countries such as the United States and Europe, where camping culture has been established for a long time, mobile camping is preferred, but in countries such as Korea and Japan, where land is limited and outdoor camping outside of campsites is difficult, settled camping is preferred.

A variety of camping cultures coexist in Korea, including family camping, minimal camping, backpacking, car camping, remote camping, and camping trailers. The type of camping is not important to enjoy nature, but what is important is to be considerate of neighboring campers who are quietly contemplating, and to establish a healthy culture that does not cause harm to those sharing the same space. 

“I really don’t understand”...Why foreigners who have camped with Koreans are shocked

*Source_Travel Talk Talk 

Summer 2023! The most popular room in the National Natural Recreation Forest is Room 601, Forest House in the National Daeyangsan Natural Recreation Forest, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and the same-day reservation competition rate on July 29 was a whopping 381 to 1. In Korea, camping, which used to be just ‘camping’, has become more popular after the coronavirus outbreak and is gaining great popularity. The auto camping culture that is spreading in our country these days is significantly different from the camping culture of other developed countries. Auto camping in Korea features extra-large tents, tarps, and luxurious chairs, tables, and kitchen utensils that put even the furniture used at home to shame.

Unlike Korea, Canadians think of camping sites only as base camps. Many people leave with only a tent and a stove. A tent is considered to be the minimum preparation for visiting nature, as long as it blocks rain, wind, and other people's eyes. Rather than being active around the tent, I tend to go outside of it and focus on sightseeing in the surrounding area. Also, rather than preparing a single meal, it is light enough to enjoy a glass of beer or wine. It is a culture that represents the essence of so-called ‘minimal camping’. The reason Canadians keep their camping gear to a minimum is because of the dry climate. Camping sites in Canada are very dry, so there is a high risk of fire, so accommodation and food equipment becomes an unnecessary burden for them. Bonfires can only be made from designated wood, and fires cannot be lit during ‘quiet time’ between 11 PM and 7 AM. One more thing to be careful of is that you should never feed the animals you meet at the campsite. This is to maintain the animal's ability to make a living.

The British camping method feels somewhat foreign to Koreans who are accustomed to group living. Usually, Koreans think that camping means doing everything from meals to lodging together with family or friends in one tent. In the UK, when camping with acquaintances or friends rather than family, there is a strong tendency to prioritize individuals over groups.

Our country's camping culture shows a stark contrast in food. Foreign campers don't pay much attention to the food they cook at the campsite. We often cook and eat ready-to-eat foods bought at the supermarket. Even if there is a basic barbecue facility in the fireplace, not many people use a campfire to grill a barbecue. However, in our country, eating is often the purpose of camping. It's almost as if they go camping just to drink and eat food.

There is something unique about camping in Korea that cannot be found in other countries around the world. There are many people who enjoy camping even in winter. A camper who enjoys winter camping says that although pitching a tent in the winter, when your hands and feet are likely to freeze, is quite a hardship, he enjoys winter camping because of the greater joy of sitting around a campfire and talking with his family. And unlike summer, winter camping grounds are said to be quiet. You can hear the sounds, smell the scents, and enjoy the sights of true nature.

 'Increasing number of campers...controversial lack of awareness level of camping tents on the beach, not only a nuisance, but also a problem of environmental damage' 

The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced that a partial amendment to the enforcement ordinance of the [Act on the Use and Management of Beaches (hereinafter referred to as the Beach Act)] which provides for the prompt disposal of unauthorized items left at beaches, has passed the Cabinet meeting. The revised bill is in response to numerous complaints recently raised by beach users and nearby residents regarding camping and cooking in areas not designated as campsites within the beach, leaving related items for long periods of time, or illegally dumping waste. This reflects the reality that quick measures such as imposing fines and administrative execution cannot be taken.


Differences in camping culture around the world

 *Source_Tistory by.Kamkk

Camping is a popular recreational activity that allows people to explore the outdoors and enjoy nature. It is an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. North America, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, South America, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Scandanavia, and Russia. The camping culture of each country is influenced by various factors, including geography, climate, cultural beliefs, and socioeconomic conditions. This is very diverse. Camping is a hobby loved around the world because it offers the opportunity to connect with nature, explore new cultures, and create long-lasting memories.

 How do you enjoy camping abroad? Camping culture abroad!

*Exodus_Naver Blog Straw Girl’s Camping 

Brunch Book 2022 Camping Trends


 Introduction to Brunch Book

We looked into why the author liked camping and why he became passionate about it, starting from his childhood. He explained the impact of camping on our society and why it should continue in the future through the past and present. In the future, we hope that it will go beyond a craze and become a camping culture. I hoped it would happen. 

1 page. In times of pandemic, there is one effort we can make!

Chapter 2. Camping craze that shook the nation

Chapter 3. Camping, why are you so crazy about it?

Chapter 4. Uncomfortable camping created by the craze

Chapter 5. Uncomfortable camping, images from the 50 million era

Chapter 6. The difference in thoughts and perspectives increases as you grow.

Chapter 7. Coercion and coercion, disguised as citizenship

Chapter 8. Privatization, violence and overfishing...

Chapter 9. The best choice we have to make

Chapter 10. Camping goes beyond a craze and becomes a culture



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